Monday, September 11, 2017

Lightning Words!

This week is the FIRST week that we have spelling words! To help your student learn to read, write, and spell their words this week (and for the rest of the year) we will be doing "Lightning Words". Have your student writer in their spelling words until all the boxes are full. Then they read them and record how many seconds it took to read the whole chart! By the end of the week they should be fast as LIGHTNING! :)

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017

Not only is Monday our first day of school but it is also a solar eclipse. At Oak Mesa, your student's safety is our top priority. We will be experiencing the solar eclipse from our classroom. Students will not be outside during the 10:15 recess due to the eclipse. I encourage parents to have a conversation with your children about not looking directly into the sun. Here is some information about the eclipse.

Since this is my first year at Oak Mesa, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share some important information about this weeks events!

Looking forward to a WONDERFUL first week!

I cannot wait to meet all the students on Monday! And to have a chance to meet the parents on Tuesday at Back to School Night!

This week will be very exciting, we will learn about classroom rules, expected behaviors, and procedures. Here are a few of the books we will be reading this week!

You may hear your child come home and say things like, "I was a bucket filler" and that is because we are learning how to be kind and treat others!

We will also learning how to be good listeners, so some key words we use are:
eyes watching
ears listening
voice quiet
body still

This is how we will be practicing listening and showing respect to the person talking!

You may also hear about marshmallow feet as well... we we did an experiment and found out when you drop a marshmallow you cannot hear it drop! So when we are walking in the halls our feet should be as quiet as a marshmallow!

I look forward to an amazing year with your amazing children!!!!